Positive Self-Identity and Self-Image

This program will guide you to pinpoint the sources that taught you not like who you are or what you see when you look in the mirror. You’ll explore the factors, from personal experiences, your environment, the media, and more, to determine what disparaging lessons to un-accept as truth.

This program is for you if you want to

  • Be aware of how you view yourself and others due to the social construction of identities to un-accept derogatory lessons as truth.

  • Have a deeper understanding of how forms of discrimination regarding race, sexual orientation, gender identity, age, weight, etc. can impact mental health and well-being.

  • Be aware of how to resolve painful experiences so they can no longer continue to crush your spirit and influence your unhealthy subconscious behaviors and unconscious actions.

  • Determine how to replace self-defeating, limiting, critical, and devaluing thoughts with productive logic and constructive beliefs to reduce or cease self-sabotaging behavior and build healthy habits.

  • Shed harmful labels that have influenced your self-esteem, identity, and inner peace so you may constructively define yourself and live your truth.

  • Know your worth in order to have the confidence to be your true self instead of what’s expected to avoid judgment, criticism, rejection, and abandonment.

  • And more…

Click the Program Request button below for more details and to request a self-empowerment program best suited for your needs.