Healthy Mindset Virtual Sessions

This is a 4-week class for people in recovery from substance use. Must have Medicaid in Colorado.

Dates: Monday’s (See registration form below for actual dates)

Time: 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Location: Zoom (Link will be provided after registration is confirmed)

Capacity: A maximum of 12 people can attend


This 4-week class is for you if you want to break unhealthy patterns. The exercises and group discussion build awareness of the root causes of why you think and feel the way you do, while also increasing your ability to shift harmful thoughts and habits into empowering beliefs and productive actions that support the life you want to live.

Week One: Perceptions

We explore how our perceptions are developed and how our views of ourselves, others, circumstances, and life become our reality. We also recognize how these views stir up emotions that influence our deliberate and inadvertent choices and behavior having a positive or negative impact.

Week Two: Impact of Experiences

We identify how specific experiences and messages teaching you of your worth delivered through external factors such as family, the media, peers, and your environment can create self-critical thoughts and unhealthy thinking patterns and habits. This awareness allows you to determine what experiences you need to emotionally heal from and what damaging lessons to un-accept as your truth.

Week Three: Be Intentional

We work on building constructive thoughts and habits to be more dominant and how to identify and manage triggers. Being aware of your unconscious and unhealthy thoughts and behaviors permits you to override them with healthy thoughts and intentional actions that support positive outcomes and experiences. 

Week Four: Your New Story

You decide what you want your story to be moving forward. You determine what self-care methods to practice to balance emotions for the short and long-term, realize what to be grateful for, define yourself by affirming who you are and write your story.

Additional perks to this program, you will receive:

  • One-on-one peer recovery coaching with Hailima Yates, the Healthy Mindset program facilitator. This coaching is to support you in reaching your goals and is also covered through Medicaid.

  • Recurring group coaching to continue checking in with your progress while building and maintaining a supportive community

  • A clinician will also reach out to you to devise a recovery plan with you.

Register for 4-Week Class

This program is brought to you by Luv Mrk in association with Hazelbrook Sober Living. After you complete this registration form, you will receive an e-mail for the next steps in registration. If the date you request is available, your spot will be held for 24 hours as you complete the registration process. After everything is complete within that time frame, you will receive an email confirming your spot in the class. If the date you request is not available, you will be added to the waitlist, however, please continue with the registration process so your spot can be confirmed for the next available class. Thank you!