13 ways to cultivate Peace and Luv in a Diverse World

13 ways to cultivate Peace and Luv in a Diverse World

Our actions are governed by our thoughts and the only way to effectively change the world to cultivate peace and love is to change the way we see each other. We treat people congruent to how we see them.

How to Be There for Someone Who Has Lost a Loved One

How to Be There for Someone Who Has Lost a Loved One

It is not always simple knowing how to provide comfort to someone who has lost a loved one.  Sometimes you don’t know what to say or what to do to offer support, but reach out anyway.  The person who is dealing with someone they cared about passing on may be feeling empty, lost, and alone, for that reason they will appreciate you caring about them and being there for them.  Here are some suggestions to offer comfort and assistance...

Getting Past the Surface

Getting Past the Surface

Sometimes you can be friends with someone for years or even in a relationship and still have things to learn about each other.  If this is true for those in our social circle what about people we don't know, yet we believe we know who they are based from what we see on the surface? Here are some tips for getting past invalid judgments or superficial rapport to a more real bond.