Inner Advocate
Our Inner voice/thoughts can be tearing us down or building us up. It is important to be aware of our self-talk because depending on what we tell ourselves influences the choices we make, creating the experiences we have.
Some helpful categories to notice the Inner-Advocate: The self-talk that roots for you and lifts you up.
The Consoler: Has you feel relieved using soothing and compassionate language to comfort you during hard times. “It’s going to be okay.” “You did your best.” “You’ll get through this.”
The Inspirer: Reminds you of your abilities and competencies motivating you to have goals and practice constructive methods to reach them. Has you aware of your capabilities to face conflicts and obstacles and have solutions.
The Learner: Has you recognize past setbacks, mistakes, and hardships as lessons to better handle similar situations, prevent new unfavorable circumstances, and remember your ability to manage and overcome adversities.
The Recognizer of Value: Acknowledges your worth and accepts being treated with respect, accepts healthy relationships, receiving kindness, love and happiness in your life. It has you feel confident in taking risks not allowing the possibilities of judgement, rejection or failure to hold you back. It has you know you’re enough.
The Forgiver: It helps you to realize your human so you may allow yourself to realize you may have moments of lapses in judgment, have missteps, say and do things that may hurt others. It has you understand the difference between remembering the past to unhealthily continue punishing yourself and remembering the past to not repeat it.
The Chooser of Being Authentic: It has you feel confident and courageous enough to be comfortable expressing your true nature even if it jeopardizes being abandoned, shamed or rejected by others.